This year has been an exciting year for us and we recently got to meet the winner of our 2019 foal giveaway. We have been very blessed each year to have the giveaway horse go to such amazing, horse oriented families! This year, Brittany Rash, from Oklahoma made the trip to Third River Ranch to […]
Ranch News
A word from the winners of our 2018 Foal Giveaway.
It’s been a couple weeks since our trip to the ranch to pick up Flash…. I just wanted to take a minute to say how blessed and excited I am to be the first winner of a fantastic foundation Quarter Horse from the Aduddell family at Third River Ranch. Let me start out by saying […]
Fall Giveaway and September Savings
The end of the foaling season offered us at Third River the opportunity to start a tradition that we are really excited about. Each year we will be giving away one of our top foals. This year, we were blessed to giveaway “Flash” a beautiful silver buckskin with lots of potential to an awesome family […]
Late Fall at TRR
Fall blazes in the last colorful glory, as winter nears. Our remuda and their offspring, who haven’t yet found that ‘just right’ new partner to go through life with, soak up the sun as they can.
Fall Remuda Reduction Sale
Our foals and yearlings are growing ever bigger and stronger, as frequent rains this summer have arrived to keep our fields lush and green. To share with you, the blessings we have received this year (and to make space for the babies that will arrive in 2018!) we decided to hold a Fall Remuda Reduction […]