Peptoboonsmal (#3097910)
Peptoboonsmal’s offspring earnings across all disciplines exceed $20 million. He has been a top cutting horse sire every year since his first foal crop came of show age in 2001. His NRCHA-performing foals have won $1,152,368.59. The top-earning cow horse sired by Peptoboonsmal is the 2005 red roan stallion Smart Boons (out of Smart Little Easter x Smart Little Lena), owned by Kevin and Sydney Knight. Shown primarily by NRCHA $1 Million Rider Corey Cushing, Smart Boons earned $191,273, including the 2009 NRCHA Derby Open Championship, before retiring from the show pen in 2012.
Date of Birth: April 15, 2020 Gender: Color: BuckskinPapers Pending
We were fortunate to be able to breed 3 of our foundation bred mares to Bet On Brad from Quickstad Quarter Horses in South Dakota. Brad’s sire is out of a AAA daughter of Dash For Cash so running is in his blood. That, along with Corona Cartel in his …
Read More…Prized Pedigree Includes:
Colonel Freckles, Dash for Cash, Doc Bar, King, Mr San Peppy, Peptoboonsmall, Poco Bueno, Smart Little Lena, Sugar Bars

Shine Cougar Dr
Date of Birth: May 14, 2009 Gender: Stallion Color: Blue, RoanRegistration # 5473592
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Shine Cougar Dr has been a tremendous stallion for Third River Ranch and has thrown numerous blue roan colts and fillies for us. We were sad to sell him, but have some young stallions that we are grooming into becoming replacement stallions. He has an …
Read More…Prized Pedigree Includes:
Doc Bar, King, Leo, Mr San Peppy, Peptoboonsmall, Poco Bueno, Shining Spark, Smart Little Lena